Group Exhibition: Press Release (Cycle IV), Storage Gallery by Carolyn Oberst

June 24th - July 19th, 2023

52 Walker Street
4th Floor
Tribeca, New York 10013


Press Release

Storage’s inaugural survey exhibition began in September 2022 and continues with a reception of a new group of artists: Raphaela Melsohn, Baxter Koziol, Angela Dufresne, Jeff Way, Carolyn Oberst, Pol Morton and Adam Lupton.

Press Release presents an evolving conversation between artworks that examine notions of pressure and release. In Press Release (Cycle IV), we continue to question relations between bodies and space, reimagining them as symbiotic through artistic processes that are not commercially mainstream.

Visitors enter our 4th floor gallery space from the street at 52 Walker through an elevator/gallery space that disrupts notions of an interior/exterior static duality. Inside, they are greeted by an angular 4,90 x 4,90 x 3,70 aluminum structure nested on a hand loomed carpet whose shifting dimensions create spaces that are, in turn, influenced by the trace of visitors. Surrounding paintings further advance our conversation by investigating the body’s relation to the context around it, or by abstracting space altogether.

Group Exhibition: Press Release (Cycle III), Storage Gallery by Carolyn Oberst

Carolyn Oberst, Still Life Japanese Screen, 1996, Oil on Canvas in Painted Wood Frame with Painted Shelf, 60 x 38 x 5 in.

April 21st - June 22nd, 2023

52 Walker Street
4th Floor
Tribeca, New York 10013


Press Release

Storage’s inaugural survey exhibition began in September 2022 & continues with Press Release (Cycle III), a reception for an incoming group of artists: Angela Dufresne, Baxter Koziol, Adam Lupton, Pol Morton, Brandon Morris, Carolyn Oberst, Louisa Owen, & Jeff Way.

The exhibition exists as an ongoing essay where works are used to reposition and examine notions of pressure & release. For Press Release (Cycle III), we challenge perceptions of the body and space through painting, sculpture & performance.

Some works presented explore historically normative notions of physical space. Other works play on aspects of queer space through edits on museological tropes. The artists investigate the beauty, fragility, and resilience of the body, considering the space within and around it. They make mundane spaces alienating by accommodating the body's architecture and they rework exterior space, extending the traditions of the trompe-l'œil garden and abstracting our surrounding landscape within the gallery.

"Where Parting is No More", Solo Exhibition at Stellar Highway Gallery by Carolyn Oberst

Stellarhighway is pleased to present Where Parting Is No More by Carolyn Oberst. The show features a selection of works from Oberst’s series of twenty-four sculptural paintings wrought from antique mirror frames separated from their previously-conjoined dressers. Over the course of a decade (1989-1998), Oberst refurbished these discarded dresser-backs, replacing broken mirror with painted canvas and scrying a cryptic realm of discontinuous but interrelated experiences, real and imagined. 

This presentation is Oberst’s first display of her dresser-back series since its initial reception at Willoughby Sharp Gallery and subsequent exhibition at Mary Delahoyd Gallery in the early 1990s. Delahoyd, a much-loved professor of Art History at Sarah Lawrence College, ran a project space from her SoHo loft until she handed the reins to Pavel Zoubek in 1997, her former student. Willoughby Sharp is best known as an artist, curator and publisher, having founded Avalanche Magazine with Liza Béar (also co-founder of BOMB). Sharp ran his eponymous gallery on the Lower East Side from 1988-1991.